Direct Access Barrister

Yaa Dankwa Ampadu-Sackey

Direct Access Barrister

Yaa Dankwa Ampadu-Sackey

Yaa Dankwa practises exclusively in Children law. Her busy practice encompasses the spectrum of private and public law proceedings in which she acts for all parties. Yaa Dankwa spent time as in house lawyer with oneSource working on behalf of Havering and Newham Councils and gained in depth knowledge in

Yaa Dankwa is a people person and is passionate about helping her clients find the best possible solutions to their family related problems and will often ‘go the extra mile’ to achieve this. She is a personable and approachable individual, often commended for her ability to put lay clients at ease, and to instil absolute confidence and trust in those instructing her. She is particularly skilled in assisting nervous clients and litigants in person.

Area of Law


Yaa Dankwa is a people person and is passionate about helping her clients find the best possible solutions to their family related problems and will often ‘go the extra mile’ to achieve this. She is a personable and approachable individual, often commended for her ability to put lay clients at ease, and to instil absolute confidence and trust in those instructing her. She is particularly skilled in assisting nervous clients and litigants in person.

What sort of work do I do?

Yaa Dankwa is regularly instructed on behalf of parents and children (whether separately or through their Rule 16.4 Guardian) in cases where there are significant and often entrenched disputes about where children should live and how much time they should spend with a non-resident parent. She has experience and expertise in cases involving domestic abuse and where serious allegations of abuse (physical, sexual, or emotional) and parental alienation/hostility are made.

Yaa Dankwa also acts in cases with an international dimension. She has appeared in cases involving catastrophic non-accidental injury where there is complex and conflicting medical opinion.

Who do I work for?

Yaa Dankwa accepts instructions to represent clients at all stages of family law proceedings, from initial advice on merits and procedure through to contested Final Hearings and everything in between.

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