Direct Access Barrister

Saleem Akhtar Khan

Direct Access Barrister

Saleem Akhtar Khan

Saleem has over 35 years of experience. This means that he is uniquely placed to provide the highest British standards in respect of most matters . Initial consultation of 30 minutes is free for all clients regardless.

Having been called to the Middle Temple in 1987 Saleem practised at the Bar for a couple of years. He then managed a leading UK law firm which initiated the Stephan Lawrence litigation, for nearly a decade. He reverted to practice at the Bar and he also set up his practice under the title Legal Line Law Associates.

Today he has full rights for all courts in England and Wales. He is authorised by the BSB for direct access and litigation.

This means that he can take the matter from start to finish delivering the highest British standards.

All first consultations of 30 minutes are given free of charge so that clients can decide without obligation having first interacted with Saleem. Meetings can be arranged for the client's convenience through any medium.

No case is too big or too small. Every client is important.
Contacts: E-mail: [email protected]

Area of Law

Actions Against the Police

Saleem was involved in the instigation of the first private prosecution for murder in the Stephen Lawrence case, when police failed in their duty. This all would ultimately lead to the publishing of the Macpherson report that found the police to be institutionally racist.

Saleem has represented people in numerous actions against the police involving wrongful arrest, assault and personal injury

Asset Recovery

Tracing and valuing assets for family proceedings, both in UK and abroad.


Saleem has conducted numerous trials successfully in allegations ranging from driving offences up to murder.


Private and public education matters

Employment and Pensions

Cover all aspects of employment.


Worked on numerous cases of divorce, domestic violence, ancillary relief, children and overseas adoptions.


Conducted fraud trials.

Freedom of Information and Data Protection

Saleem is currently acting for individuals who have had their GDP rights violated by school, local government and banks.

Human Rights

Saleem was involved in starting the Lawrence private prosecution for murder which ultimately resulted in the conviction of murderers following a cold case review.
He also campaigned for the release of the Yemen 8

Immigration, Asylum and Nationality

Have conducted cases in every area of Immigration , Asylum and nationality. Have been successful in adoption of children as de facto adoptees outside immigration rules. Have had many cases involving reinstatement of UK nationality.

Insurance and Reinsurance

Saleem is currently dealing wiht complex policy matters against several insurers.


All licensing applications and appeals

Local Government

Saleem has conducted numerous cases including trials against local authorities such as Birmingham, Ealing and Brent in respect of housing, education, penalties and planning laws

Public and Administrative Law

Wide ranging experience in actions against authorities

What sort of work do I do?

Asylum: All aspects including victims of religious persecution and political persecution.
Immigration : Ten year, settlement, business, employment, adopted relatives and all other complex UK rights cases including nationality at every level and every court. He has been successful in cases where relatives in UK funding upkeep of children abroad were declared de-facto relatives and therefore entitled to settlement in the UK outside the Immigration Rules.
Criminal law every aspect:
Driving offences
Sexual offences
Freezing orders
Offences of violence.
Personal injury.
Professional negligence.
Family law every aspect.
Planning law.
Employment law.
Gross human rights violations and extradition law.

Saleem is particularly interested and experienced in offshore justice, for those from failed states who cannot find justice in their own residencies. In particular, matters involving information such as defamation, privacy etc where UK courts or UK institutions can be persuaded to take up matters in limited circumstances.

Who do I work for?

Saleem has clients at every level ranging from the individual to corporations including international. Some of his successes have included:
High profile entertainers
Family of murder victimS and private prosecution

Uniting parent/s who had financed a child in Pakistan from birth but could not meet the requirements of the formal Immigration Rules.

Establishing British descent and obtaining UK nationality in difficult cases where clients had previously been refused by the Home Office due to submission of false documents.
Securing Asylum for individuals facing death for political views.
Successfully representing defendants accused of murder.

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