Direct Access Barrister

Matthew John Galloway Corrie

Direct Access Barrister

Matthew John Galloway Corrie

Matthew is a specialist professional discipline barrister with significant experience of acting in regulatory proceedings. He frequently acts on behalf of professionals involved in such proceedings.

Matthew practises exclusively in professional disciplinary work and provides advice and advocacy services to professionals involved in disciplinary proceedings before their regulator and in related proceedings in the higher courts.

Area of Law

Professional Discipline

Matthew has previously worked for two national law firms ranked as band 1 in the field of professional discipline and is ranked as a leading barrister in professional discipline in both the Legal500 and Chambers and Partners.
Matthew has significant experience acting in proceedings at most of the healthcare regulators including the General Medical Council, the General Dental Council, the General Pharmaceutical Council, the General Optical Council, the General Osteopathic Council, the General Chiropractic Council, the Health and Care Professions Council, the Nursing and Midwifery Council and Social Work England.
Matthew also acts in appeals against the decisions of regulators in the High Court.
Matthew also has an established practise defending accountants in proceedings before their regulatory bodies and has appeared in proceedings before the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, the Association of Accounting Technicians, the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, the Institute of Financial Accountants, the Tax Disciplinary Board and the Association of International Accountants.
Matthew has acted in performers’ list proceedings at local level and on appeal to the First and Upper Tier Tribunals.
Matthew is a legal advisor to the General Dental Council professional conduct panels.

What sort of work do I do?

Matthew provides advice and representation to regulated professionals involved in disciplinary proceedings with their regulator. This work includes:

i. The provision of written and/or oral advice on merits, tactics, strategy, case preparation and appeal;
ii. The drafting of written representations to regulators;
iii. Drafting grounds of appeal;
iv. Appearing at hearings including restoration, interim order, case management, final and appeal hearings.

Who do I work for?

Matthew assists regulated professionals in particular those from the healthcare, education, accountancy and financial services sectors.

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