Direct Access Barrister

Catherine Ravenscroft

Direct Access Barrister

Catherine Ravenscroft

Catherine Ravenscroft specialises in criminal and regulatory law. She has a straight-forward and friendly approach to advising and representing clients in all types of proceedings and has quickly developed a strong practice in her specialist areas.

Catherine is regularly instructed by both prosecution and defence in the Crown Court, Magistrates Court and Youth Court. Her criminal practice exposes her to a variety of cases and experiences including serious violence, drugs, serious motoring offences, offensive weapons and firearms. She is also experienced in defending clients with particular vulnerabilities including mental illness, age and disability.

Her practice has been expanded by secondments to various organisations including the Government of St Helena, Cadent Gas Ltd, and Birmingham City Council. In particular, her time as Crown Criminal Counsel to the Government of St Helena provided Catherine with considerable trial experience and a mature understanding of criminal investigations beyond her year of call.

In her regulatory practice, Catherine undertakes instructions in all areas including food safety, housing, taxi licensing, education, alcohol and late-night entertainment. She regularly appears before local authority licensing committees, magistrates’ courts and crown courts. She has also been instructed as independent legal advisor to the local authority in a number of high-profile decisions.

As independent counsel, Catherine has also advised organisations and clients in relation to disclosure and legal professional privilege. She has been instructed in major criminal investigations for organisations including HMRC and NCA.

Area of Law


Catherine has quickly cultivated a varied criminal practice and is regularly instructed both to defend and prosecute in the magistrates’ and crown court. She has a pragmatic approach to case preparation which is driven by detailed analysis of the case brief. Recent instructions include representing a medical professional accused of sexual abuse of 2 patients and a residential nurse accused of harming elderly residents in their care.

Catherine also prosecutes both on her own and as a led junior in cases such as large drug conspiracy trials.

Catherine has also advised on the investigation and charge of a number of criminal offences, including sexual offences and conspiracies to steal and defraud. As Crown Counsel to the Island of St Helena, she acted as senior prosecutor to the government in a variety of trials and provided advice during the conduct of police investigations. She also advised island government on the amendment of legislation and the development of a new fixed penalty regime. Catherine brings this experience to her advocacy and advice in order to obtain the best outcome for her clients.

What sort of work do I do?

Restraint & Confiscation
Motoring & Road Traffic
Trading Standards, Consumer Protection & Food Safety
Animal Welfare and Environmental Law
Data Protection
Disclosure & Legal Professional Privilege

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