Direct Access Barrister
Alexander Charles Ross Chandler KC A KC (King's Counsel) is a very senior barrister or solicitor advocate who is recognised as an expert and leader in their legal field. A KC will often take the lead on cases, particularly highly complex cases which demand greater experience and expertise.
Direct Access Barrister
Alexander Charles Ross Chandler KC A KC (King's Counsel) is a very senior barrister or solicitor advocate who is recognised as an expert and leader in their legal field. A KC will often take the lead on cases, particularly highly complex cases which demand greater experience and expertise.
I can advise in conference or writing, assist with court documents and represent you at court, in directions/ FDR hearings, final hearings, or on an appeal.
Please note that:
1. I accept instructions in financial remedy cases (divorce, Schedule 1 etc) only.
2. **I do not accept instructions in private law children cases**
3. Enquiries will be routed to my clerks, who may ask that you provide further information;
4. I generally will not be able to advise on appeal without a transcript or detailed written note of judgment;
5. I am not authorised to conduct litigation, which means that I cannot correspond with the other party or file applications on your behalf (etc.)
Area of Law
I have specialised in financial remedies on divorce for over 20 years and have appeared in a number of the leading cases. I also have sat as a part-time judge dealing with this area of law for ten years, in the specialist Central Family Court. I do not act in children cases.
What sort of work do I do?
Financial Remedies on Divorce: Drafting, Advice in consultation or in writing, representation in court (First Appointments, FDR, Interim Maintenance, LSPO, appeals etc).
Who do I work for?
I act for husbands, wifes, third party family members and intervening companies. Most cases are confidential (hearings in private). Recent reported cases include: R v R (Circumvention of Sanctions) [2016] 2 WLR 127; R v B and Capital Trustees [2017] EWFC 33; AB v CD (Global Maintenance) [2018] 2 FLR 150; BC v BG [2019] 2 FLR 337; Shokrollah-Babaee [2019] 1 WLR 6517; FN v AC (Financial Remedy - Agreement) [2019] EWHC 3806; BT v CU [2021] EWFC 87